Remember to stay on topic and opinions should be supported with scientific reasoning. You are dealing with the IAU's definition of a planet.
- Start with the Pluto Project link
- Download the "Supporting Reasons" paper to get you started.
- Make sure when you blog that you use your first name and initial of your last name to get credit.
- There are links to a PowerPoint and websites that will help you with your paper.
- Rubric will be handed out later in class
- Start blogging - Click Comments, then leave your comment (including scientific reasoning), on "Choose Identity" click "Name/URL", put in your first name and initial of your last name, the URL is not necessary.After that "Publish".
Another Update ~ June 24, 2008
I think that pluto should remain a planet. My reasonings for this is that pluto has almost all of the same things as a regular planet, it has/does: an almost round shape, it does orbit the sun, and it has almost cleared its orbit. Although it has not fully cleared its orbit....what about other planets? what if an asteroid passes through our orbit? does that count as clearing our orbit or not? I don't believe that it time i will use more scientific detail and sources, but I will NOT change my veiws.
I think Pluto should be a planet still because of many reasons.
One is that Jupiter and Earth have not cleared out their orbital paths yet, Pluto hasn't either. And it's been called a planet since it was discovered, why change it now?
It still orbits the sun, like all the other planets, but it is a different path than the rest. And it has enough gravity to pull itself into a sphere. Pluto has a moon, although it is nearly as big as itself, but at least it has one!
Pluto should be a planet. The IAU put three concepts into the definition of a panet. To have enough gravity to pull itself into a spherical shape, to revolve around the sun, and to have cleared it's orbital path. Pluto comes through with the first two but has not cleared it's orbital path and that is why the IAU has "plutoed" it from it's status of a planet and called it a dwarf planet. If you ask me, just because Pluto does not clear 1 of 3concepts to be a planet doesn't mean that Pluto shouldn't be a planet. Also, Earth and Jupiter haven't cleared their orbital paths either, and they are still planets. I think the IAU just wants to name Pluto a dwarf planet because it's so small.
I belive that we should keep the deffinition, BUT we must enforce the aspects of the deffinition. Mainly the last part of it.
Pluto continue to be considered a planet because it has an atmosphere but it has been known as a planet even before i was born and unless the government is planning on manufacture new books with updated info it's still a planet in my book.
I don't think that pluto is a planet, because part of the definition of a planet is that the planet must have it's own orbit, but pluto crosses over neptune's orbit. Pluto is also smaller and just barly larger than most of the dwarf planets that are located around where pluto is. If pluto were to be any closer to the Sun, then the planet would break up into a number of astroids, as the heat melted the ice. The planet would have a tail, like a comet, before it broke up. As we can see pluto clearer now, than when it was named a planet, the definition should be changed to a dwarf planet, because we realize now that it's to small too be a planet and pluto's characteristics are also different from that of a planet's.
Pluto shuld not be a planet because iy hasen't cleared its orbital path, there are many other objects that are the same or bigger than Pluto and they aren't planets, and finaly it dosen't have its own orbital path.
I dont think that pluto should be a planet. Pluto should not be a planet because if pluto is to be a planet then there are a lot of other objects that should also be planets such as Pallas and Juno. Pluto also does not clear its orbital path plus it intersects with the orbital path of Neptune. If pluto were to continue to be a planet then scientists would have to add many more planets making there be a total of around 30 or more
I think Plut shouldn't be a planet. Pluto shouldn't be a planet because Pluto is just like the dwarf planets surronding it. If those dwarf planets then why should Pluto be a planet. Pluto is very different from the other eight planets to different. Pluto also dosen't fit all the qualifications of a planet. If it dosen't follow the rules then it's not a planet. Pluto was a planet for plenty of years and now science is finding out more. If it dosen't follow the definitions it shouldn't be a planet.
I believe that our former planet Pluto should NOT be considered a planet. The reason that I believe this is beacuse: first off, there are several other objects in the Kuiper Belt that are bigger than Pluto. For example, our moon is almost 1,00 km bigger than Pluto. So why isn't our moon a planet. If the IAU really wants to define a planet, then they need to define the words moon, asteroid, comet, and Kuiper Belt object. Another reason I believe that Pluto should not be a planet is that Pluto has not cleared its orbital path. However, that does bring up the cotradiction that Neptune then has not cleared its orbital path; since Pluto crosses it. I think that Pluto should not ever be considered a dwarf planet because of where it is the middle of the Kuiper Belt. Ending the discussion of whether Pluto intercepting Neptune's orbit is important. I think that everyone starting this comotion over whether Pluto is a planet or not wil be resolved in 2015, when the NASA New Horizon mission reaches Pluto. I believe that the word "planet" may or may not be suitable for the 9 bodies. I believe this because the word "planet" means "wanderer" but if each planet has its own orbit around the sun, then it really isn't wandering in space. It has an exact orbit to follow. These are the main reasons I have to believe Pluto isn't a planet, although I am still researching.
I personally think Pulto should still be a planet. But the problem is that I see more reasons why Pulto shouldn't be a planet than should. If I remember correctly, on the movie we watched Friday it said they found a bunch of small planets, including Juno. Later on they called them minor planets. Pulto is almost the same size as the minor planets, so I say if you don't call it a planet, you'd be following your "rule". The movie also said astronomers don't really know what a planet is. So since we don't know exactly what a planet is, who are we to say that it isn't one. In the movie some scientist said it was located in the Kuiper Belt, surounded by asteroids. Some say that Pluto is just a oversize asteroid. But an astronomer in the movie also said something simular to, "it's not Pluto's fault for being in the Kuiper Belt. It's a matter of real estate." I also think that if you change what the planets are people will have to relearn them, it's not too much to memerize but it's very troublesome. And sobody else says it's more like an asteroid, like if it came close to the Sun a tail would form, just like an ateroid. That would be kind of embarrassing that one of our planets would be asteroid-like. But I am stubborn and MY VEIWS STAND!!!
i think that pluto should be a planet. because pluto has a nearly round shape, and it also orbits the sun. but it hasn't completely cleared it orbital path because it crosses uranus's therefore is uranus a plantet? technically uranus also crosses pluto's orbit too. if we don't call pluto a planet then we'll have to change a lot of things.
sorry i meant neptunes orbit!
I have mixed views on this. I am leaning towards Pluto not being a planet, but both sides are viewable.
Pluto is smaller than the other planets and mostly ice. If it was closer to the sun, it would have a tail like a comet. It also has not cleared it's orbital path. It overlaps Neptune's path.
On the other hand, Pluto is not the only planet that has not cleared it's orbital path. Neither Earth or Jupiter has cleared it's orbital path. Jupiter is much too big to be a dwarf planet; it is the biggest. Plus, nobody would ever consider Earth a dwarf planet. It would just be ridiculous.
It its more consistent for Pluto not to be a planet. Ceres, Palas Juno, and the other dwarf planets have been demoted because they also have not cleared their orbital path. Why exclude Pluto?
I think that Pluto should still reamain as a planet for multiple reasons.One being it has an almost round shape just like other planets.My second reason is it does orbit the sun as a planet should.Pluto also has a moon. Even though Pluto is a dwarf planet, the IAU doesn't have to exclude it form being a planet becasue of it's size. The only thing Pluto foesn't do is clear its orbit.Other planets don't clear their path and they are still counted as a planet.Pluto has most of the characteristics to be a planet.
If Pluto would get closer to the sun it would have a tail, now tell me what kind of planet has a tail. Pluto's orbit is not exacty round it's more of an oval and all the other planets are circular orbits. When Pluto rotates it goes in the oppisite direction from most other planets. Pluto's atmosphere may exist as a gas only when Pluto is near its perihelion, the atmospheric gases are frozen into ice.
This is straight and simple, Pluto shouldn't be a planet. I have two main reasons why I belive that: 1. We already have a definition of a planet. Since when have we allowed exceptions with definitions? 2. If we let pluto become a planet then we will end up with about 30 planets in all. We will have to include asteroids and soe Kuiper Belt objects too. I don't know about you but i dont look foreward to memorizing 30 planets.
think pluto should not be a planet beacuse there are a ton of other dawf planets plus has not compleated its orbit.
I think pluto should remain a planet beacuse even though there are a lot of other dwarf planets and objects biger then pluto, pluto still has a sphere shape, it revolves around the sun, but it has not cleared ita orbit. Even if it doesnt have a clear orbit around the sun and its small they should keep it a planet.
Pluto? A planet? I don't think so. It is about the size of the USA curled into a semi-even ball. On top of that it will most-likely be considered to be another little "rock" in space. There are unquantifiable numbers of masses in space larger than Pluto. For fifty-years tradition has made Pluto a planet, unfortunately this can no longer be so.
I think Pluto should be a planet because it has enough gravity to make it round and it orbits around the Sun
Pluto should be a planet because it orbits the Sun and it has enough gravity to make it round.
I think that Pluto should not be a planet. A planet is a body that orbits the sun that is round and has cleared its orbital path. Pluto orbits the sun and is round but is in the middle of the Kuiper belt. There might be a few space bodies in a planet's orbital path but that does not mean that it is not a planet. This would not be the first time that we have demoted a planet. I say that we say good buy to Pluto as a planet.
I dont think pluto is a planet because it not alone in its path. the way it travels around the sun is irregular, tilted, and crosses the path of another planet. plus, there are so many other bodies just like pluto that orbit just like it does.
I think Pluto is not a planet because the iau dicided on a international definition of planet which stated that a plant needed to clear its orbital path wich pluto does not.Another thing is Pluto has many neihbors one called Eris is even bigger than pluto so are all these planets too?If Pluto was any closer to the sun it would grow a tail like a comet.Overall i think over time as scientists tecnalogies evolve we will obtain more specific details changing previos ideas,discoveries,and prospectives.This means eventually a clearer picture of our solar system.
I think that Pluto should remain a planet. It is round, has moons that orbit it, and has a clear oribital path. I don't think that we should remove it just because it is small and not the same as the gas giants. It fits the IAU's definition, so why should it be removed? Because it's tiny? It's been a planet for years and years- why change now?
I personally believe that Pluto should be promoted to the planet category once again. The main reason Pluto is no longer a planet is because the IAU developed a new definition for planet, but not all members of the IAU were present during this gathering... Therefore the vote could have changed in Pluto’s favor during this meeting. Another reason I have concluded Pluto should be a planet is because it is round, like all the other planets, and, it orbits the sun, like all the other planets. Pluto may be smaller but no where in the old or new definition does it state that a planet has to be a certain size! Yet another reason supporting my opinion is that Pluto is not the only one who has not cleared its path. What about the other planets’ moons... they are in the planets orbit! Also, Pluto crosses paths with Neptune, so therefore neither Pluto nor Neptune have cleared their paths. So why hasn’t Neptune been demoted to a dwarf planet like Pluto?
I think that Pluto should be considered a planet because it has an atmosphere. Also, while Pluto has not cleared its orbital path, neither have Earth or Jupiter. Two other reasons are that Pluto has a moon and orbits the Sun.
I think Pluto is a planet and that the IAU definition is flaw because it seems that they only used on Pluto. the reason i think this is because earth and Jupiter have not cleared thier orbit.
I think that Pluto shouldn't be a planet because it has not cleared it's orbital path. Sure Mars and Jupiter both have not cleared their orbital path but at least they have a size advantage over the Asteroid Belt. There are some objects in the Kuiper Belt that are as big or even bigger then Pluto. If Pluto were bigger then other Kuiper Belt objects then the astronamors might have over looked it.....but it's not.
I think Pluto isn't a planet because there are bodies out in space like Pluto that aren't planets. Also Pluto doesn't orbit the sun like all the other planets. Pluto also is much smaller than all the other planets.
I think that Pluto should be a planet because it has been a planet all this time why change it now???I also think that it fits the deffintion of a planet.It dose the same thing other planets do and had the same characteristics of the other planets.And just because its moons are bigger than pluto dosent mean if shouldn't be a planet.
I think that Pluto should be a planet because it is round and circular and it has cleared its orbital path around the sun although it does run into Neptune.
I think that pluto should be considered a planet for these reasons. ONE, although it does not completed its orbit there are other "planets" that havn't either ,like neptune for insistants, so does this mean neptune isn't a "planet" either? TWO,it is round like other planets are.THREE, it also has a moon althouhg the moon is almost the size of pluto its self, never the less it is still a moon. FOUR, although pluto is small no where has it said that a planet cant be a planet because of its size, that i have read.
I think that Pluto should be a planet. If we used the definiton of the IAU's then Pluto, Jupiter, Neptune, Earth, and Mars wouldn't be a planet. Pluto's orbit is unlike any others. It is the only planet to travel an ellipitcal orbit, and uncharacterisitcally crosses the orbit of its closest planetary neighbor, Neptune. Pluto is a dwarf planet. Dwarf stars are still stars. Dwarf galaxies are still galaxies. Pluto has its own atmosphere, weather, polar ice caps, and satellite. Pluto is located in the Kuiper Belt, a place of ice chunks. A dwarf planet is a celestial body that orbits the Sun, which Pluto does, has enough mass and gravity to give it a nearly round shape, is not a satellite, and has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces in order to assume a hydrostatic equilibrium, and aquire a near spherical shape. Pluto's mass is 25 times smmaller than Mercury's and is 9 times larger than that of Ceres. Pluto is the second largest dwarf planet in space, and tenth largest orbiting the Sun. Pluto is sometimes considered a comet. Pluto has a density of about 2 times that of water, and it is estimated that Pluto may have a core of silicate rock, about 1,700 km in diameter, which is surrounded by ices of water, methane, and carbon monoxide. Pluto does not have magnetic fields. Lets keep Pluto a planet!
I do not think Pluto should be a planet. There are bigger things then it in our solar system. There are other bodies the travel just like Pltuo. Pluto is a dwarf! It also has many neighbors, that are bigger or the same size as Pluto!
I think pluto should not be a planet because it is part of the kiper belt, and it's small. Pluto's moon is almost bigger than it. Scientists say that there is other objects in space that look like pluto, and some are even bigger than pluto. That is why I think pluto should not be a planet
I believe that Pluto should still be classified because it has three moons (Charon, Nix, and Hydra), it is round, and it orbits the sun. It seems to me that the biggest reason Pluto was demoted to a dwarf planet was because it hasn’t cleared its orbit completely. Earth hasn’t completely cleared its orbit, but is Earth a dwarf planet? No. So why should Pluto be a dwarf planet? Or, why isn’t Earth a dwarf planet?
I think that Pluto should be a planet because even though it didnot clear its path, the planets around the other astroid belt didnot clear their paths either. Pluto has its own moon and it also orbits the sun even though it goes in to another planet's orbit path. Pluto is also fairly round. Even though there are astroids bigger then Pluto they are in the middle of the astroid belt. I don't think it would be a bad thing if one of the planets had a tail if it got to close to the sun.
Pluto should not be a planet because it is smaller than
the earth and the moon. meaning that the moon should be a planet"no". It has not cleared it's orbit ,it crosses orbits with neptune, and if it is a planet than shouldn't eres the other kipper belt object be a planet
"NO". That is why I think that pluto should not be a planet.
I believe that Pluto should not be a planet. Some of my reasonings for this is because the IAU's definition for a planet clearly states that a "planet" should have a clear orbit around the sun. Which Pluto does not have, since it crosses Neptunes' orbit, but also this is unclear because if Pluto is in Neptunes' orbit shouldn't that mean that Neptune should also be a "dwarf planet." Since it doesn't have a clear path? Also another is reason is because their are many other objects, that are now classified as dwarf planets, that could also be planets as well, if Pluto is able to be one. I think that it is also very good to have some new information for us to learn concepts about. This is what I believe about Pluto and its new "dwarf planet" status.
I think pluto should not be a planet becouse it s moon is bigger then it is, it has not cleared its orbital path, and it is part of the kiper belt thus it is more of an astroid in orbit then a planet.
I think Pluto should be a planet because it fits most of the definitions. Also it has gained the respect of a planet.
I think that pluto is not a planet becuse it does not maintain a straight orbital path to me if we consider pluto a planet than we need to make all the objects lilke astroids or any other object that orbit the sun or hold it own gravity or is large enogh to be a planet.Now if we were to do that then how many planets woulfd we have then. If the scientis are smart enough they would not consider pluto a planet.
i mean come on it cuts off one of its brothers planets that means thatit is not make a nclear orbital path but to them thats not part of the definition . If they would look in to the facct that it is different then an of the other planets and how many objects do the same thing but are still not classified a planet.I also think that this is a good debat about the planets for kids 12 or any were to 35 becuse they might want to become an astronimer to not make the same mistake they have in my apinon . so if the people are so woried about not having a ninth planet than we could make one that actually fits the definition of a planet. If a planet like pluto is that small then why are plutos moons that are bigger not considered a planet. I think the astronimers that made this dision we blind. that concudes my opinion on pluto.
I think that pluto should be a planet beacuse,scientist say a planet has enough gravity to make it round. Pluto is round. A planet has to orbit the sun and pluto dose orbit the sun.
I think that Pluto should be considered a planet. First of all, the only thing that stops Pluto from being a planet is it's orbit. The definition states that to be a planet its orbit mmust be cleared, Pluto's is not. Neptune, which is still a planet, doesnt have a clear orbit either. So why can Neptune still be considered a planet? I think that the IAU should exclude the part of the definition that says that it must have a clear orbital path. I think that it was irrisponsible of the IAU to just leave Pluto as a dwarf planet and not even check to see if the other planets fit the new definition as well. There should be a re-vote after more research into the matter and include ALL the members of the IAU, to determine Pluto's spot in in out solar system.
I believe Plut shouldn't be a planet because it only has two out of the three requrments needed to be a planet and if it where a littel closre to the sun it would be a comet acourding to my research. There are hundreds of other objects out there with and some are bigger and if pluto we'd have to include those and the list would get confusing and crazy long.
I think Pluto should not be a planet because it has not cleared it's orbital path. Pluto also has many other objects just like it, bigger, and smaller.
Some other reasons that support Pluto being are that 1) Not only have Earth and Jupiter cleared their orbits,-which I stated before- but Mars' orbit would not be clear if it did not have Jupiter to attract planetary objects away from it and 2)Who cares where Pluto is in the solar system, if you put a twig in a bath tub, guess what, it's still a twig so why should Pluto be demoted because it has an irregular orbit and is in Kuiper Belt?
*oops!I am changing my reasoning!*
I think Pluto SHOULD NOT be a planet beacuse Pluto is sadly smaller than the United States and even smaller than our own moon!pluto's orbit is also highley inclined and crosses through Neptune's orbital path.It has clearly not cleared it yet!Scientists call this orbit eccentric.Pluto belongs in the kuiper belt with all its other little small dwarf planets!There are also two asteroids that are bigger than Pluto, Ceres and Eris.Although Pluto orbits around the sun and it has enough mass to put itself into a sphere,it hasn't cleared its orbit!
Jen, I totally agree with you on the fact that when you put a twig in a bathtub, it's still a twig. However, it does matter where Pluto is in the solar system because if you were to bring it closer to the Sun, it would MELT!!! Meaning no more Pluto. It's like having an ice cube and bringing it in front of a more ice cube........
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